Air-conditioning Glass Wool Board


Air-conditioning duct insulation are in the form of flexible rolls, semi rigid and rigid slabs manufactured from stable glass fibers bonded with thermosetting resins, and free from coarse fibers and shot, easy to handle and cut to fit rectangular ducts and air handling equipment.

For facing, there are two options; one is non faced and the other with glass reinforced Aluminum foil/kraft laminate facing (FSK) which combines a pleasant appearance and excellent vapor resistant. The most common used roll thickness to be 40mm and nominal density 48 kg/m3 or 3 lbs/ft3. Boards are 64kg to 96kg.

Standard Sizes

Nominal Density(kg)64-96
Size: L*W(mm)1200*600, 2400*1200

Remarks: Other sizes available upon request.

Technical Parameters

Bulk Density Tolerence±10%

GB/T 5480.3

Fiber Diameter5-8μmGB/T 5480.4
Water content≤1%GB/T 16400-2003
Combustion PerformanceNon-combustible

Reation to fire-Class A1

GB 8624-2012
Thermal Conductivity (Average Temp 20℃)0.034-0.062W/mkGB/T 10294
Moisture Absorption≤5% by VolGB/T 5480.7
Hydrophobicity≥98%GB/T 10299
Sound absorption coefficient2000HZ (1.03 product reverberation method 24kg/m3 )HZGBJ47-83
Slag inclusion content≤0.3%GB/T 5480.5


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General enquiries:
0086 137 9534 6466
Technical specialist team:
0086 139 1719 7951


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