One Stop Sourcing Solution


We,NUVOLA,established in 2006,the authorized distributors of insulation brands/materials in China.We are continuing to develop our strategies as per requirement from oversea market.To get readily avail these products in the market,we obtain best delivery time to customers,to assure them satisfaction.

Nuvola also provides the most comprehensive warranty in the market place with a lifetime cover on performance of product.


Quotation and proposals are carefully prepared by our engineering team after reviewing of engineering drawings,technical proposals,equipment take-off and co-ordination.


Excellent co-ordination with the manufacturers and suppliers to process the in-house orders in order to commit and expedite the early delivery.

If you've just started to enquire about various insulation options, our website has a range of information which will help get you started answering any questions you may have.

Contact Us

General enquiries:
0086 137 9534 6466
Technical specialist team:
0086 139 1719 7951


If you want to cooperate with us, please leave your valuable information!

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